1. Fees will be paid according to schedule written in Fee Book.
  2. Parents are requested to deposit fees only at the payment counter or in the bank of the school.
  • Two months fees will be deposited on due dates in the bank.
  1. Last date of fee to deposit is 10th of Concerned month.
  2. Fine Charge-

Date 01 to 20

without fine

Date 21 to 30

Charge Rs. 20/-

  • If the fees is not deposited in time, fine will be charged or the name of the student will be struck off.


GK Silver Stone Sr. sec. school

An ISO Certified Grade 'A' Category School

Experience world-class education with a commitment to excellence!

Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi

We take pride in being a CBSE-affiliated institution, ensuring a structured and nationally recognized curriculum.