The parents will not achieve its objectives of imparting quality education unless the parents extend their unreserved co-operation. The early years of the child are the most formative ones and only the co-operative efforts or both the teachers and the parents can help children to cultivate healthy habits and disciplined attitude to life. Parents are requested to help their children with small things at home and this will enable to learn at school without fear or tears.

  • Help the child to bring the required books and exercise books daily to the school. These should be properly covered with brown paper, with the name, class and subject written with a pen. The brown paper should be changed when torn or untidy.
  • Check the child’s school diary and take the writing of the teacher(s) seriously. Unattended notes of the teachers not only discourage them but also make your child careless and unmindful of the school as well as home discipline. Each such note of the teacher be signed and proper action taken there of willingly.
  • Encourage the child to talk to you in English.
  • Help them to come to school in proper uniform. Make sure that his/her shoes are properly polished.
  • In case the child has to remain absent from the school, send an application well in time.
  • Teach the child good etiquettes and manners.
  • Teach the child sense of responsibility by giving him/her some responsibility at home.
  • If you have any serious problem with your child at home come to us perhaps we can solve in together.
  • Any problem concerning education of your child be brought to the notice or the class Teacher/Principal without hesitation.
  • Always remember the days of the parents-teachers meeting and find the time to attend them. Coming to meet the teachers on days other than the parents-teachers meeting days create problems for the school. Please avoid this at all costs.
  • Parents must not go to the class rooms to see the child for handling him/her over anything. Such things should be left with the gate peon who will take it to the principal.
  • The school does not believe in corporal punishment to the child for indiscipline, for not doing the work regularly or even misbehavior or serious misconduct. As a practice a note is sent to the parents in the diary as a corrective measure in all such cases In case of habitual delinquency the school will restore to fine and in extreme case the parents may be requested t withdraw such children for the school.
  • A minimum advance notice of 24 Hours in the form of a written application to the office is imperative for issuing any certificate; on days after verifying the clearance of all dues.
  • Parents are requested not to give any money to the peons/ayas.
  • Parents are not permitted to enter class room during class hours without the permission of the principal.
  • Parents should inform about any change in their address and telephone number.
  • Discuss your problem first at the reception and take appointment to meet the principal.
  • Parents are not allowed to send his/her child with mobile valuables things and money.
  • Care must be taken of all school property. If any damage is done, it will be repaired with a fine imposed on the student for the offence.
  • If the child is absent the parents are requested to send application child.
  • School van will not wait for the child so it’s humble request to the parents that the students should be ready on the time.
  • Parents should send their child daily to the school with time table and stationery.
  • Every day student will come in proper uniform with I card.
  • Housewise uniform is allowed on Wednesday and Saturday.
  • Your ward should come to school in neat and tidy uniform & Hanky should be pinned-up on the shirt of the student. (for Class Nursery to IInd)
  • No student should be absent from the school without information.
  • No student should be absent during the test and both Terms Exams (Except serious problem)
  • Parent’s attendance is compulsory in parent’s meeting.
  • If you have any complaint you can come to the school between 10:00 a.m. to 11 a.m.
  • School bag should be arranged everyday according to time table.
  • Pocket money is not allowed in school.
  • Girls with long hair must tie it up neatly with black hair rubber band.
  • Girls with short hair must also keep the fringe from touching the eyebrows pinned it up.
  • Tiffin/Lunch Boxes for students are not allowed during school time.
  • Parents are requested to visit school only in formal dress and not in shorts and pajamas.

Note: – If any change Occurs we will inform you.